Scenes of Summer
You Gotta Have Friends!
Thank you to the Friends of the Library for all of your hard work and dedication to the Library. We could not do what we do without you!
POWER Library is the online portal to all that Pennsylvania libraries offer. This is the place to find trustworthy answers to questions about healthcare, consumer purchases, personal finances, and much more.
The Jersey Shore Public Library has joined forces with the American Library Association to participate in the Libraries Transform campaign.
Libraries Transform highlights how libraries are community centers of information, technology and learning that fuel educational and economic opportunity for all of our citizens. Libraries contribute to education, employment, entrepreneurship, engagement and empowerment, and are catalysts for powerful individual and community change.
Please share your “because” statement about how the library has helped transform your life!
We have a selection of local history books of interest available. A $20 donation gets you an invaluable resource on the history of local areas!